Wednesday, 29 August 2018

How Does Filtration System Work to Purify Your Drinking Water?

Drinking unclean tap water can damage your health. As studies reveal that the soiled water contains many harmful bacteria and solid chemicals, which may cause skin diseases, a weak immune system and even mental disorders among kids and adults alike. No wonder, most health organizations and doctors emphasize on procuring water treatment systems so you can have an unlimited supply of pure, filtered and bacteria-free water.

You might be wondering how a filter system works to scavenge the water you drink and makes it pure and risk-free. So, let’s first comprehend what the process of filtration entails.

Filtration means adding a medium that separates solid and other harmful contaminants from the water with the use of any mechanical or physical operation. The aim is to dissolve the dirt and remove impurities, so the water you drink is healthy. Usually, there are two main techniques used in water filtration- physical and chemical. Under physical filtration, the water is strained to remove larger impurities. Chemical filtration involves an active chemical to remove the impurities.
Now let’s discuss the three main methods used in water softeners Dorset-

Granular Activated Carbon
Under this water treatment system, the simple Granular Activated Carbon filters are used inside the cylinder through which the water is passed. The carbon used here is commonly derived from coconut shell and is highly effective in collecting sediment and chlorine molecules. As a result, the clarity and taste of the water improve. The water purifiers used in the home kitchen usually come with an under-sink filter supplying the water to a specific tap.

To maintain the water quality and taste, it is recommended to change the filter cartridges every six months.

Reverse Osmosis
Reverse Osmosis is probably the finest away to ensure purified water supplied to your kitchen sink. It involves a semi-permeable membrane through which the water passed to flush the contaminants to the waste and send the purified water to a sterile pressurised storage tank. To achieve higher purification, there’s another filtration to clean the water on its way to the final tap. The Reverse Osmosis unit is believed to remove up to 90% of the dissolved solids from your drinking water.

Filter Systems for Private Water supply
For those using a private water supply, the above methods might not be so effective, at least for the initial cleaning. Therefore, they should first install a water treatment system to remove the harmful bacteria. And then one of the above technologies can be used to enhance the taste and quality of the water. Remember, the private water supply might come with various harmful contaminants which should not be avoided. It is better to consult a professional agency to get the specifically tailored solutions. If the water is hard, you can opt for domestic water softener UK 

A professional agency can provide you the best-suited water treatment systems, from ensuring a smooth water supply to enhancing the quality and taste.
Location: United Kingdom


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